In the current age of everything being at our finger tips, groceries delivered, online shopping (P.S. online shopping is key with my getting through the work day), online dating has swept DC gay men like WHOAH. I definitely know people that have had success in these methods of dating and are still dating these people that they met through I also for better or worse know some of my more 'social' gay friends who use such Klassy sites (that's right, Klassy with a K) as Manhunt or gaydar for the use of finding temporary gentleman friends so to speak.
I've tried the online dating thing on two occasions... the first being when I first came out of the closet at the ripe young age of 17, now my HS was abuzz with the gays... funny enough most of them were on the wrestling team...coincidence? I think not. But I wanted to find some more gay friends and meet some nice gentleman, being all proper and such and so forth. So I decided to put a profile up on Planetout. Planetout to me seemed like a perfectly appropriate place to meet gentleman so I was definitely excited when a 28 year old messaged me and asked me out on a date.... did I mention I was 17?
So anyways he took me out to a nice dinner we go to a movie, then were in the car, going to where I assume to be his place and he no joke turns to me and says..... how much? I was confused so I returned with "How much what?" yeah he definitely thought I was a hooker and offered me money to stay the night with him.... yup made him stop the car on connecticut avenue and got the F*&k out of there. I understand that this is not the norm for online dates but definitely soured my experience from thereon in.
The second attempt was this year, as I was discussing random stuff with my coworkers we decided to have a contest, we all would make profiles for each other (my two coworkers being a fantastic lesbian and a sassy sistah) and see how many winks/responses we got, and the winner got chipotle bought for them by the losers after a week. So we did that and each got to choose our own picture. Now my winning had absolutely nothing to do with my level of attractability or my winning smile...but the fact that the gays are on the internet like white on rice. Needless to say I went out on a couple dates with one guy who looked halfway decent, but due to my low attention span and no patience for BGD (big gay drama) that was over quicker than the jerry curl. So for me thumbs down on the internet dating...however it has supplied with an endless store of entertaining stories by my more adventurous friends who I've been regaled to on more than one instance at Gay church (Sunday Brunch).
Where is the best church?
Oh I'm a big fan of Hamburger Marys... cheap bloody marys and a big ole hunk of beef is totally great hangover food!!!
haven't tried internet dating yet. the idea scares me...(yeah - me - who puts her whole self out there in a blog - the irony...)
Well it's definitely a craps-shoot... I'm a big supporter of the in person flirtation which in my opinion is a key part of getting to know anyone.
Funny enough two things on the prostitute tip:
1) Party Girl, me either!! but what kind of benefits/hours/pay scale are we going for here because if you can beat Research Crapfest that I'm currently doing sure!!!
2) I have two friends who are ex-prostitutes and was appraised by one on purely physical charecteristics... very disconcerting experience to say the least
thirty percent....hmmm well would that include benefits? I'd be looking for something with a nice full coverage plan... none of that Kaiser BS.
I effing LOVE the first of your date stories. Classic!
Great blog!
LOOVED the jerry curl reference! ha ha
If I ever see you at JR's...I'm buying you a drink!
Thanks Penny Lane!! you sound like a sassy little biscuit! Condoms are all I get huh? I can get those at whitman walker, albeit they are the economy size, government issue variety.....what type are we talking here?? Plus, it's definitely saturday morning and I'm still drunk from last night....
very cool blog. Love the title of it -- extremely clever and catchy.
Dale--get your fine ass over to Beacon Bar & Grill for Sunday Brunch w/ me, The Boy, Circle V, Chase-ing Random Thoughts, and some others....
I've never even heard of the beacon bar & Grill, it's unclear as I'm about to go out and that third martini is starting to hit me but I think I've promised my brunch attendance at a country club in potomac.... yeah I'm that boojy... cocktails this week perhaps?
You got it! Name the time and place!
Maybe friday night and wherever's clever...anyone any ideas?
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