Thursday, September 08, 2005

Autumnal Resolutions

Some people make New Years resolutions.... I don't. I have the attention span of a fruit fly on coke so I can never remember mine for more than a 3 month period. Therefore I make resoultions seasonally. What do YOU resolve to do this season???

1). Be more proactive and do more than just bat my eyes and smile at guys when I go out: Apparently I've been told by more than one person that when I'm out I'm "intimidating." This is atrributed to my height. I'm sorry but I've never thought of myself as particularly scary and when I smile at a guy and he looks like a deer caught in the headlights it's a little disheartening...therefore if the mountain won't come to mohammad (other than when I'm a bit intoxicated and dancing at cobalt and make out with random guys) mohammad will go to the mountain. *Plus chip is tired of me complaining that I don't meet guys cuz they don't come up to me...*

2). Go out more, now I know I go out a lot as it is, but I don't think I'm adequately capitalizing on the fact that I'm 23, have no ties (kids, pets, relationships) and judging from my dismal dating scale need to be exposed to more guys.

3). Go to the movies more.... I have been to one movie all summer and I believe I should see more.... I really wanted to see Willy Wonka but just never got around to it.

4). Gain 10 pounds.... I know I know I said it, but as Chip will attest, putting 10 pounds on my body is just edging it closer to normal.

5). Get my GRE's out of the way.... it's been a year, I really need to get motivated.

That's it for now....hmmm maybe I'll think of some more later....


Kaycee said...

1. Try not to have a nervous break down from my newly hectic schedule.
2. Get a's in all the classes I am taking.
3. Try not to kill the dogs when they eat EVERYTHING but their food.
4. Try not to kill the hubby when he makes another "suckmydickwhat" comment.
5. Try not to kill evil person I work with
6. Try not to have a nervous breakdown.
7. Improve my memory.
8. Try not to have a nervous breakdown.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. Are you freakishly tall or depressingly short? Just curious . . .

And by the way, who's the music snob? I noticed you have Pitchfork linked here. I need to meet more fellow gay indie boys.

DC said...

Chip would say I'm freakishly tall.... 6'3"... and I believe that both Chip and I enjoy a good indie band! nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm always at Taint and am pretty good friends with the guys who throw it. I've probably seen you guys there. I'll look for the freakishly tall half Japanese guy next time and say hi.

DC said...

I've actually never been but Chips friend who was visiting for labor day met the guy who runs it in AdMo while getting coffee...small world! I've been intrigued, maybe I can convince Chip to come with me next time!

Anonymous said...

It's really a great time. It's the only gay night/bar I've been to that's a mixed gay/lesbian crowd and that still has hot guys and plays music I woudln't mind dancing too . . . that it is if I would ever even consider spending time dancing instead of drinking. You should definately check it out. It's something different, at least.

DC said...

hmmm hot guys and fun music??? maybe I'll have to stop being such a loser and actually venture out on a sunday night....

Anonymous said...

1.) Get out and meet more people.
2.) Make-over my look a bit.
3.) Workout more
4.) Try not to have a breakdown during my high school reunion in October.

VP of Dior said...

1. Take the GREs and apply to grad school. Uggg why is there so much pressure to go back to school?? DC is so full of over achievers.
2.Get over my fear of driving in DC. I get naseous thinking about driving near Dupont Circle.
3. Stop shopping at Forever 21. Just because I can still fit most of the clothes doesn't mean I need them.
4. Find a new PR job.
5. Go on more real dates. None of this, "Oh let's just hang out and watch a movie" bullshit. A bona fide pick me up on my porch-open the car door-order a bottle of wine-say goodnight-the end date.

DC said...


The Captain said...

If you need to gain weight that bad, I'm sure I can spare a few pounds for you. I'm sure others around here would be happy to pitch in.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you clarified the needing 2 inches, Chip. I was a little worried at first. ha ha

Oh yeah, I have plenty of pounds to spare, hence my needing to workout more.

DC said...

Chip....Done and done... maybe with 10lbs I can actually develop a derriere !! Besides, even if I gave you two inches I'd still be 6'1"... it'll take some getting used to not being able to see over EVERYBODY at cobalt.

Lucy said...

I'll second Chase-ing's offer to contribute ten pounds. That's exactly the amount I'm trying to lose, but it's fucking HARD! Gah.

BTW, Dale, are you also freakishly handsome? I saw a very slender, tall, half-Asian (maybe not Japanese) man on the red line yesterday from Dupont - he was soooooooooooo gorgeous. I wondered if it could be you! ;)

DC said...

ummm hmm thursday? nope I drove Lezzie to work on thursday, wednesday I was on the metro going from Zaytinya to my house but not the red line...damn and I'm a sucker for a compliment!

Lucy said...

Aww, too bad. Seriously, he was too many kinds of hot. (dreamy sigh)