Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Well I never!!!

Apparently I'm reaching even the trailer parks of West Virginia with this here blog. This morning I got the wonderful gift of this suprise as a comment which was posted this morning to something I'd written in June and, while it wasn't Chaucer it wasn't exactly a Tom of Finland comic either....


Now let's discuss shall we.

1). I have never nor will I ever EAT a d*ck.... whomever told you what homosexual men do in bed must have gotten their info from a baaaad source, as far as I know the majority of gay population enjoy their d*cks and enjoy whomever they choose to socialize with having them as well. Therefore it would be counterproductive for us to be eating each other's d*cks and thus decreasing the amount of d*cks to go around.

2). "TOO MUCH SPARE TIME", are you referring to my spare time for writing the blog or your spare time for reading it?? As far as I know nobody forced you to sit down and read what this F*ggot has to say.

3). I WAISTED two minutes of your time?? First of all I don't think I've "waisted" anything in my entire life, is that something you do to your possums before you fricasee them?

4). Even if I had wASted two minutes of your life, I'm pretty sure sitting down and practicing your hooked on phonics with something other than sounding out BUD-WEI-SER from your trucker cap before you started your shift at the truck yard will do you wonders later on in life when you have to sound out the words PA-TER-NI-TY after you have sex with your cousin.

5). I HATE YOU FOR THAT YOU DEAD SHIT. Big words cowboy, now let me say that nowhere in my body hates you for what you wrote, it doesn't reflect badly upon me nor does it make me even mad at you, honestly I feel bad for you that you spent the time and effort to focus on my peoples and hate on them. I don't have the time or energy to hate you, I have more important things to think about..... like happy hour or belly button lint. And death threats?? why don't you walk around in my neighborhood, Dupont, Logan, hell even Cap. Hill and say that stuff, I know a few muscle queens getting out of WSC, Results, Vida, etc. that would just ADORE to discuss with you the merits of your face meeting concrete/fist. Oh and lady I'm from DC, don't bring that mess up in my house.

6). Now as HRH Dale of Ad-Mo/Dupontia I refuse to stoop to such crude levels in order to express my disdain for such displays of communication. However I will say this having never met you.....

  • writing in all caps is so 7th grade
  • honestly find another hobby, I hear macrame is making a HUGE comeback
  • and finally, if all else fails, take a wine bottle, smash top of the neck so it's all nice and pointy, and sit on it.... cuz I'm not the kid you called a F*g in middle school and I'll cut a b*tch.


Anonymous said...

Go kick his a$$, Dale.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, we can't expect such representatives of the lower, less-educated, un-/under-employed classes to be able to show the proper respect due their betters. But, you did offer instruction, which is our responsibility as his/her betters.

And the threat of a good cutting was a nice touch, too.

Well done.

JP said...

We need some bleach for the gene pool. Stat.

JP said...

PLUS...If you are being bashed by a typing redneck sasquatch...and I'm saying...doesn't that mean you have truly "arrived" as a blogger?

the dumbsh*t is actually taking the time out of his day to try to offend you...

DC said...

Jimbo: I'll smite him old testament style.

Mark: Very true hon, it is our responsibility to educate those less gifted.... however I still stand by the fact that I'll cut a fool that brings drama to my house.

JP: Yeah, bleach and a pool filter. That's the funny part, if he didn't like my blog, he COULD just not read it...

Anonymous said...
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Carrie Broadshoulders said...

Oh shit, the rednecks have the internet in the trailer park now? Sheesh. First satellite dishes attached to their decks and now this...what is the world coming to?