Monday, October 24, 2005

Weekend Roundup

Ok so many fantastic and crazy things happened this weekend... quick recap


Friday night I did absolutely nothing, and by nothing I mean I did not go out. Wednesday night.... I was out.... Thursday night, Chip and I did our tour of pretty much everything gay in D.C.. As I was having a BBQ for my kickball team on Saturday I decided that it behooved me to stay in Friday night and get ready. By get ready I mean I made the hamburgers, which, btw are a blend of meat and spices unparalleled in modern cookery. I baked two pies.... my aunt owns a bakery, you better believe I can do some damage in pie form! Also I made a casserole because what BBQ would be complete without the casserole? Also I watched Van Helsing and solidified the fact that Hugh Jackman is obviously meant to be my husband.

Saturday during the day was much cleaning and doing of things in prep for said BBQ, I went to the gym so I could feel sassy, went to the teets to get some last minute supplies, beer and ice. I went back to the house, got everything ready and waited...... and waited......and waited. An HOUR after the BBQ was supposed to start the first guest arrived and helped me start the grill. Shortly thereafter everyone else shuffled in, including Chip and several key members of our kickball team. I don't remember the last time I had so much fun. We drank, we talked, we played drinking games with a deck of cards I bought while on vacation in Africa with my friend A, which all feature naked men in various states of arousal. From there we went to a bar where apparently according to Chip's camera I had several drinks and shots. Then I excused myself and went home and passed the EF out before midnight

Sunday, woke up and promptly called Chip to go to gay church a.k.a brunch. He had dominated some late night treats and was not up for the festivities so I called the ladies T+A and we went out to brunch at H. Marys. Fabulous time was had and I bonded with T's gentleman caller about random crap read: we went to HS together and I talked about the chicks he dated during said tenure. After that I picked Chip up and we went costume shopping for Halloween, now my costume is no short of scandalous, I'm covering about 10% of my body come next saturday and expect to pay for 0% of my drinks that night, we shall see what develops. My response to anyone who asks me "what's your costume" is going to be.... "I'm your wet dream come true" Yeah there's no way I'm paying for drinks. In any event my work as a seamstress will be shown. Chip and I joined T+A plus various people to celebrate T's birthday at Penang, good dinner was had and I promptly went home after, work is going to SUUUUUUCK this week.

I watched Mean Girls as I was going to bed and it dawned on me that the only gay character never got any ass the entire time.... that SUCKS. Also, that if I was in the mean girls I would have to be the dumb one, cuz I say things like "Live in love, is that like live in maid?" It's funny cuz I'm actually not a dumbass. I'd have to say Chip would be Gretchen Weiners'........ his hair holds everybody's secrets!!!!!

I can't wait for the drag race and halloween..... hope to see everybody out!!


Lucy said...

I'll see you at the race, Dale!

Asian Mistress said...

I want to bake pies with you! We are the most fab asians ever!

BTW if I were ever cast in Mean Girls I would TOTALL play Gretchen, I have her voice down.

I'm so cool. ;)

Asian Mistress said...


And word verification I shit you not: TOTLE

DC said...

RC: Totally although my level of coherence tomorrow night has yet to be determined

AM: I bake a meeeeeean pie, and I can totally put my whole fist in my mouth.

Lucy said...

Yo Dale - any recommendations on the best place to stake out a spot tomorrow nite? Email me if you want, or IM - I'm LoveWDC on aol.

DC said...

RC: I think the earlier you get there the better and any place between cobalt and JR's is usually a good bet although they ALL get really crowded really quick. I'd IM you but I've been in and out of meetings all day and have like 30 seconds in between!!! I'm sure I'll run into you tomorrow night!

DC said...

HA HA HA I know that's right Dudley!!! Momma makes a MEAN pecan pie!! and that is pronounced peeeeecan.

Anonymous said...

And I'd be the Mean Girl who tells Gretchen Weiners to 'get the fuck down here...'

Our next happy hour, we will have a drink special named after that prize moment :-)