Monday, November 28, 2005

Quick Poll!

Yesterday, I forgot to buy shaving cream. As a result, I did not shave this morning and thus look a little scruffy. I generally get bored easily and alter my hair and/or facial hair to keep myself amused. After seeing myself in the mirror a moment ago, I thought of returning to a bearded look for the winter season... Here is where you can influence my decision!

Shall I grow a beard or not?

(For those of you who did not see its original appearance, it's on the fuller side and actually has a slight reddish tint, if that helps... at all.)


DC said...

I'm gonna throw my support, as being someone who shall never have any facial hair of any kind... not that I can't grow it but if I did I'd look like Jafar a la alladin fame and that is not a good look for me.

DC Cookie said...

Not a huge fan of the full beard, but I adore about 5 days of scruff...

Anonymous said...

No. I don't have anything else to add. ;)

Polt said...

no, skip the beard. I agree with dc cookie, though, a few days stubble is hot...full beard, just scratchy.

Dop T said...

I personally like a little scruff - like a 4-day growth or so. But that's just me. I have been bearded myself for like 10 years.