I'll let
Chip recount our Saturday night as it is definitely a story to be told. Key points however include....
1). Seeing
the bartender in action, how he can put up with so many drunken rando's is beyond me!
2). Finally meeting
Monsieur Sean and probably some of his friends, the details are a little hazy to me right now...... p.s. Sean was right, the glittering stars of the DC homo-blogerati were out in full force last night.
3). Singing "Love Shack" with Sean and Chip, I should never ever ever sing in public, ah well I laughed until I peed, and then I laughed at that!
4). Hanging out with
Dudley and
Ms. Katinka, always a pleasure!!
As per the holiday season I will now begin each week with a little prezzie from me to y'all, called Holiday songs/poems..... Dale Style...... and without further ado:
The night before Christmas in the Gayborhood:Twas the night before christmas and all through D.C.
Not a person was stirring.... due to that 6th martini.
The stockings were hung, and so were the boys,
Who liked giving presents to Dale, and bringing him toys.
All the Senators were nestled, all snug in their beds,
While visions of that cute intern danced in their heads.
My boyfriend in gucci, I in Yves St. Laurent,
Had just settled down in our townhouse in Dupont.
When I woke with a start, there arose such a ruckus,
I thought the maid had slipped and landed on her tuckus.
Away to the landing I flew like a flash,
all in white velvet, complete with a sash.
The moon shining down on the FABULOUS italian marble floor below,
Gave the christmas tree and chippendale furniture a soft wintry glow.
When what to my slanty, squint eyes should I see?
A little blue box and a card marked...... Tiffany.
With a little white bow all wrapped up and slick,
I needed a drink and I needed one QUICK.
As I downed some Stoli I began to see clearly,
Bush won't really let me get married, I won't be affected too dearly.
I called
Chip and
Mrs. Jesus,
The Boy and all of my friends,
Should I say yes or should I say no? how's this going to end?
I got the same answer from all, all said with a grin,
Take the mans money, for gods sake marry him!!!
The Boy pointed out a very good point,
Now we can take the private plane to Paris and party up the joint!
And then in a twinkling sprang from the bed,
was my boyfriend at the landing, a mink hat on his head.
He was tall and good-looking, like all my boyfriends should be,
and he pointed at the box and said.... yup that's from me.
I opened it slowly, my hands all a twitter,
6 carat princess cut, my how it did glitter!
I was smiling so big, from ear to ear,
With gifts like these, there's only one answer you'll hear.
He put down the box, took my martini glass away,
And we celebrated christmas in our own special way.
Basking in the afterglow, wiping sweat from our brow,
we looked at each other and said, what do you want to do now?
When carolers came to the door in streams,
Instead of three kings, the gay men used queens.
And as the carolers walked on towards Logan Circle and out of sight,
They exclaimed, Merry christmas lucky men, I love your window treatments, are those corinthian columns? who did your drapes? what fabulous tiling on your floor..... Oh yeah, and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!
Happy Kickoff to the HO HO HOMO-Holidays everyone!!!