Tuesday, August 01, 2006


The next time I haven't been to a gym in two months and then decided to run 5 miles followed immediately by an ab workout and followed that up by lifting of heavy things.... please take me aside and say.... honey.... no. Needless to say my body is not a happy camper.

Let me just say that the WSC that I went to yesterday was all I wanted. Nice and clean atmosphere, staff that sucked up to me without being too patronizing.... and really really hot guys.

Let me further say that I wanted to walk right up to the late 50's white woman wearing black lycra biker shorts and a bright as day purple thong over them and give her a big ole hug. Either someone convinced her that wearing that combination was ok or she hasn't updated her workout clothes since Physical fame. I'm not exactly a fashion maven at the gym, my workout clothes consisting of umbros and shirts that I've had since HS which may or may not be currently held together by unseen cotton molecules, but even I know better than purple thongs and bike shorts.

Also, as I've come to realize..... it's very very hard to walk with any sort of dignity after you run for an extended period of time and have the jelly-legs, I'm pretty sure the cute guys were thinking to themselves..."oh isn't that a shame, the gangly asian is a cripple." Yeah that'll do wonders for my social life.

PPS, I feel like the WSC might be the catalyst I've been waiting for a Missed Connection of my own, or a D-list sighting of yours truly perhaps!


Carrie Broadshoulders said...

I always check the MCs to see if anyone cared I was trying to not be fat at the gym. No one ever does. :( I guess its better than being caught eating a burrito at chipotle and having a missed connection letting the world know I was seen eating.

DC said...

CB: I'd hate to be caught at a binge-ing spot... that'd be along the lines of "to the guy that tripped on 17th street and took 2 minutes to get up on thursday night...." not that that's ever happened to me or anything

d-town said...

i thought that you only ran when you were being chased ... so i heard.

DC said...

I only run while being chased when in a public setting... the treadmill totally doesn't count... smartass.